Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Story

I'm not sure if we have shared the story of how we met.  We thought it might be fun for me to describe it one post, and then Kevin to post his side later to compare ;)

So here it goes!

It was the beginning of 2009 and I was living with my brother in Sumner, WA at the time. (For those of you that aren't familiar with western Washington Sumner is a cute small little town about 40 minutes south of Seattle.) I was taking a couple classes at a local community college and working anywhere between 50-60 hours a week at Alaska Airlines. Needless to say, I was one busy chica. 

Although I had lots of things going on in my life at the time, something was missing from the equation. Cheesy? Yes, but no one deserves to be lonely. Anyway!  I was talking to some of my co-workers and they mentioned how they had been on a couple of dates thanks to the website "". This was way out of my character but honestly, where else would I meet a guy? Walking though the grocery store? Highly unlikely since I tended to do my weekly shopping around midnight sporting flannel pajamas ;) 

Needless to say I created a profile later that week. Like I said before, this was extremely out of my character. My friends were completely shocked when I told them, but it just seemed like a good option! If it didn't work out, I could just delete my profile and move on. What did I have to lose? After my profile was set up, I was shocked at all the messages I received. (I'm not trying to toot my own horn, most of them were nothing to write home about. Actually some of them were just down right disturbing. But that's another story...)  I ended up going on a date with one guy before Kevin that I met on the website. He was nice, but it wasn't going to go anywhere. 

About a week after that date, I was at work and my phone went off saying that I had a message from someone on the site. I logged in on my break to check it out, only to find it was from a very handsome young man telling me that he loved the Lord, wanted to be a great husband and father one day, and that he thought I was cute. I kept reading it over and over. Was he for real? If so, where do I sign because that sounds amazing! It was a really busy week for me between work and school, so I wasn't able to reply until about 5 days later. (Later he told me that he could see that I read the message, and was surprised when I replied. He thought I wasn't interested, but I was....a lot!)

We messaged back and forth for a couple days and then Kevin asked me for my phone number . I still remember our first conversation over the phone. We were playing the question game and Kevin sounded like he was out of breath. Apparently, he was pretty nervous. After about a week of getting to know each other via phone, Kevin asked me out on a date. Nothing fancy, just a casual movie (Coraline) and maybe enjoy a beverage together at the end of the evening (Jamba Juice) at Kent Station.

Before the date, I told one of my friends where we were meeting just in case he was a total creeper. Luckily, that wasn't the case ;) Not wanting them to worry about my safety, I decided not to tell my family simply because I believe that it's difficult for older generations to understand this new way of dating. I parked my car and called Kevin to see where he was at. I was jittery and asked him to stay on the phone with me until we saw one another. I can still picture him standing there, looking even more handsome than I remembered in his pictures. He greeted me with a warm smile and a big hug. (I'm a big hugger! It was a great way to break the ice and ease the tension, go Kev!) 

We walked into the movie theatre and chatted it up before it started. I felt really comfortable around him right off the bat. Since we had been talking for about a week or so before this, we already had a lot of stuff to talk about. Kevin always talks about how I had closed off body language at the movies. Which is true, I won't deny it. I was sitting in my chair legs crossed, leaning away from him. Although, I positioned myself that way I was still extremely involved in the conversation and happy to be there. I know that some guys get the wrong impression when you are too touchy, and I didn't want that to be the case.

After the movie was over, we originally planned to get something to drink and hang out outside near a really pretty fireplace. But! Alas, it was raining. We decided to get a smoothie and just chill (literally ;) pun intended) in there. It was pretty entertaining trying to talk over the loud blender in the background, but I still had the best time. We talked for hours, literally until closing. He was so kind and fun to be around. 

At the end of the night I offered to drive him to his car since he parked on the opposite side of the complex. When we got in the car, I urged him to buckle up and fear for his life. My driving was not the greatest, but it has gotten much better! After we arrived at his car, we gave me a hug and told me that he had a great time. If I could take a moment and be cliche, I would like to say that I was on Cloud9 driving home that night. I knew it was the beginning of something great, and I guess I was right :)

-The Future Mrs. Hart

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