Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My side of the story

okay so here is my side of the story...

After a while of being single I realized two things that one in my field of work i don't really meet women and the few that I do aren't of the sort that I was looking for and two that even if I had met the right type I have about as much game as a pile of dirt..... I realized that like all great achievers in America I needed to outsource!

so that's exactly what I did. I scoured the Internet for ways to weasel my way into the paid dating sites for free or for discounted coupon prices but alas I couldn't find anything. 40 bucks a month was a ridiculous price! there was no way i could afford all that - but after consulting with my Dad, i knew i needed some experience dating so that my brain wouldn't make me so nervous around women after being deprived of them for 4 years. So I shopped around for a while and eventually stumbled onto plenty of fish. a free dating website that didn't seem to have much promise. 

After a few days of people surfing and getting messages from people I had an entire rule set for how to determine the quality of a candidate just by looking at a series of 7 or so pictures which I still use to help my friends with to this day. 

Red Flag #1 ABSOLUTELY NO MYSPACE ANGLES!!!!!! .........bad. They are very commonly used by personality types I don't like...  whit didn't have any :D

Red Flag #2 NO DUCK FACE!!! you know that thing girls do ( and some guys ) where they scrunch up there face in front of a camera that makes them look like a duck? no? well look here and you can see for yourself. This behavior is also a signal of a specific type of personality I don't like but only when its in high numbers and even more so when combined with a skimpy dress in a club.....BAD! 
Whit didnt have any! :D

Red Flag #3 DIFFERENT POSSES & SMILES PLEASE!!!  if a gal had made the exact same smile and pose for each picture that means she is probably one of those girls that has to practice looking happy because she normally isn't. this is something I notice to be more common in Seattle.
whits smile is really pretty and un rehearsed! :D

Red Flag #4 SHE'S THE ONLY ONE!! pictures that have other people in them mean you have friends which gives you a much better chance of being likable. If there the only one that's a big red flag.
Whitney had lots of friends in her pictures! :D

there were a few others but those were the big ones. Whit passed all of my rules and more! I especially enjoyed all the love i saw in her life being expressed to her and by her with her family.  but even all that only meant she might be a good match. I thought Whitney was so cute and I sent her profile to my best man Andrew to make sure my eyes weren't fooling me. She was the first girl I sent a message to and boy was it direct. I pretty much told her my life's plan and asked her to sign the dotted line at the bottom...not really but i was very forward in what i was looking for long term not that she had to be that but i figured that was the best way to make sure neither of us were really waisting our time. But yea she read it and then waited 5 days to reply who does that :'( by day 2 i thought for sure i had been rejected but she surprised me.

we spent the next week or so messaging back and forth and calling on the phone. i was so nervous about talking to her on the phone. online i have all the time I need to think of the exact right words to describe what I want to in the way I want to but talking on the phone i get nervous and my voice shakes and i run out of breath. it was nice though because when we finally went on our date i felt like we had things to talk about.

we decided a movie and then a jamba juice was the best first date because Whitney was too nervous to eat on first dates and the movie would give us something to talk about while we enjoy a smoothie afterwards. truth be told smoothie was my awkward silence band aid. Every time I couldn't think of anything to say I just stuck the straw in my mouth. Instant non awkward reason for there to be silence. 

anyways i met up with her and to my delight she was even prettierr than in her pictures. I gave her a big hug to break the invisible wall. we went into the movie theater and sat down. I immediatly noticed she had really closed off body language ( did i ever mention i studied endless documents on body language for about 2 weeks for this moment?) but she was very engaging verbally so i was really confused up until she touched my hair. I almost melted into a puddle right then and there. she then explained that her mom called my hair style a mofo lol. As soon as she touched my hair i knew she was just being conservative with her body language and it wasn't because she wasn't interested.

after the movie we progressed to Jamba juice and it was raining so we didn't get to drink by the fire. bad mistake. try and talk over 5 industrial blenders violently chewing up frozen fruit and you will see why. I kept apologizing because i ran out of stuff to say but she always re assured me that she was having a great time. after we left all i really remember was walking and laughing and whit doubling over and purposefully bumping into me on "accident" being a little flirty.

She had me so hooked at this point she was going to have to get the pliers.

we got in her car and she drove me to my car. My face looked like this the entire time O_O. it was scary. Next thing i knew i leaned over to her making it very clear i was only goin in for a hug to be respectful. It was awesome i think we texted one another later confirming what a great time we both had.

it's been pretty awesome since then ;)


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